In 2019 I turned 60. This eventful, milestone year was filled with adventures & challenges, sorrows & delights, quagmires & quantum leaps, mysteries & revelations, weighty fears (personal and collective) & sneak attacks of effervescent bliss that bubble unexpectedly and inexplicably to the surface.
My biggest take-away from the year that I want to share with you, echoes a message that I have been saying for years but that became Crystal clear to me in the midst of events like my car crash last March and a scary time involving my finances last summer.
In both of these near cataclysmic events, the pain and fear I experienced turned into alchemical gold through my willingness to let go of trying to control and to instead trust that all would somehow be of benefit. AND to call in my team* for support in this game.
Hanging out at the sharp broken edges of my comfort zone or in the muck of stuckness or the fog of uncertainty is not easy, and sometimes I succumb to the pressure of the extremely compelling dictates to FIX from my frantic survival conditioning.
I attempt to FIX whatever it is (fix, as in repair the "wrong and bad scary problem" or addictive fixes --books, screens and food are my drugs of choice). But the more I can ground into the support of the Earth (my daily time in nature is nonnegotiable) and the support of my team* the better I feel and the more able I am to show up with relative grace in this increasingly precarious world.
The aforementioned Bliss Attacks as well as astonishing synchronicities increase in frequency and intensity each time I am able to courageously lean into and curiously explore that from which I wish to run or hide. Magic happens more and more!
In addition to all of that trust and magic, I took some practical measures last fall. I am now working for several families; picking up the child care hours wherever I can. All of these amazing little beings and their parents enrich my life immeasurably in so many ways!
AND the extra work and the holidays on top of of my usual overflowing activities, has meant less time creating the game of Sparks & Leaps.
But I am ever the optimist and I am hoping that 2020 is the year Sparks & Leaps has been waiting for to SPARK a fire and LEAP out into the world in a big way.
I also hope that your most precious dream comes true in the New Year and that your holiday season is filled with the gifts you most need (,even if not always ones you would have asked for! 😉)
Much love, gratitude and blessings to you for your (belated) Solstice, Saturnalia Festivus (or Nestivus if you are an introvert), Hanukkah, Christmas (or Eclipsemas, since there was an eclipse either yesterday or today, depending on your location), Boxing Day, Kwanza, New Years, Hogmany or whatever you celebrate at this time of the returning light!
FOR MY BELOVED PATREON SUPPORTERS: In the last Full Moon Blog, I told you that I was going to make it a 2 part post and finish in this New Moon Blog. But I decided that even divided in half, it was going to be too long for a post in the middle of the busy holiday season. I will, however, continue to explore the topic of truth and beliefs in future posts, so stay tuned! And although most of your offerings are so tiny you might think they hardly matter, allow me to assure you they DO! Not only because they add up, but because knowing that you believe in me and value what I create for you means the world to me. So THANK YOU once again!!!
If you are not a subscriber, here is how you can be a part of my Patreon World. This helps me so much to continue to offer my gifts. If you have not explored what is what I have for you in this other realm, I invite you to check it out!
* my team includes my friends family and community, that are a combination of "real" and virtual as well as "imaginary". And just by virtue of you taking the time in your busy life, to follow my blog, YOU are on that team, even if that is our only connection; so THANK YOU! Some of my requests for support are like the one above and some are for emotional or spiritual support. All are valuable to me, whether an actual request you hear or an imaginary ones where I call upon my team (energetically vs in person or via a device) in a moment of challenge, that you will never consciously know about. And BTW, whether or not it is all in my imagination or not, it ALWAYS works!